Shamanism 1

Foundation in Shamanic Practices

Shaman 1 is training in the Shamanic Arts.
This course is created by Daniel Darby (Stone Sitting) and Helen Forty (Makani Nui). We have drawn inspiration from different traditions including Native American, Hawaiian, Tibetan Bon Po, Ancient European & Ancient Egyptian as well as our own experience. There are 6 workshops at level 1: Shamanic Journeying 1, Shamanic Healing, Shamanic Tools, Earth Magic & Manifestation, Huna Shamanic Practices, Soul Retrieval. Complete all 6 workshops to be awarded a certificate in Crystal-Winds Shaman 1. If you are serious about learning the shamanic arts we also strongly recommend you take our courses Oracle 1, Ceremony 1 and Healing 1 which compliment Shaman 1.


Shamanic Journeying 1

Travel out of your body

The heart of Shamanic work is the practice ofjourneying. This is the art of getting out of your body and travelling to other worlds. The sound of a drum or percussion instrument is used to aid this process. You can journey for yourself or on behalf of someone else. Journeying can be used: to help heal a person, to gain insight for a person, to help solve a problem or to teach someone. Regular practice will enhance your intuition and spiritual development

Topics include:

* Building a relationship with a gatekeeper
(spirit bodyguard)
• Journey to get a guide to the shamanic
* Journey to the elemental realms
* Journey to the realms of divine ice &
sacred fire

Shamanic Tools

Make your own shamanic tools to add power to your shamanic work

Shamans use tools in ceremony, healing, magic. A shamanic tool has both symbolic and energetic power. A tool can be simple as a pebble from the beach, or as complex as a handcrafted object that took months to create. Drums, conch shells, wands, ceremonial knifes and talismans can all be made into shamanic tools. For a tool to become a full shamanic tool it needs to be consecrated in both this reality and the etheric.

Topics include

* Power objects, shamanic tools and other
* How to transform an object into a
shamanic tool

NOTE: Please bring an object with you that you want to make into a shamanic tool. Examples include: a drum, knife, crystal, jewelry or other object that has symbolic value to you. Choose something that can hold energy, so something made from metal, crystal, stone or hard wood,not plastic or paper. Please clean the tool energetically before the workshop by immersing it in salt for 3 days. Contact us in advance if you have questions.


Soul Retrieval

Heal your soul

Soul retrieval is the process of reclaiming lost soul parts, returning them to the person who experienced the loss. In shamanic societies it is believed that if you experience great hurt or trauma you can lose a part of your soul. Soul loss feels like something is missing. People feel less alive; often it results in depression, confusion or disease. Soul Release is letting go of pieces of other people’s souls that you are hanging onto. When someone acquires a part of someone else’s soul they usually do it unconsciously.
Daniel has been doing soul retrieval and release since 1985. He will explain how this process heals. During the class we will help each person conduct their own soul retrieval & release process.

Huna Shamanic Practices

Inspiration from Hawaiian Shamanism

This is an overview of the Hawaiian tradition, including the tradition as it lives today. Wisdom & techniques inspired by the Hawaiian teachings have been integrated throughout the Crystal-winds classes – but there is more to share with you…

Topics include:

* Creating an immortal spirit body
* Working with chants
* ‘Bowl of Light’ as a tool for healing
* Using lava rocks or beach pebbles for
* ‘Look to the Source’ – how to learn more


Earth Magic & Manifestation

Manifest what you want in your life

Magic is the ability to influence reality according to your own will. We all play a part in manifesting our reality, but this workshop is about how to consciously choose what you manifest. Much of the theory is simple, but to become a master of this work takes practice and skill. We will begin by using magic to manifest something easy, to develop experience and build confidence. This workshop is about using magic to enhance your life. We will cover both theory and practice. It is also fun!

Topics include:

* The difference between earth magic &
high magic
* Personal will & divine will
* Correspondences & sympathetic magic
* Time, place and cycles
* Working with the Moon & the seasons
* Working with the elemental realms
* Gathering energy or chi
* The power of words & sound
* Methods of manifestation
* The easy route to manifest something
* Instant magic & magic that unfolds over
* Spells and magic ritual
* Designing & performing a magic ritual

Shamanic Healing

Come & learn the sound & energy techniques that Shamanic Practitioners use to heal people. 

Use sounds and rhythm to create healing vibrations. Use sound makers including drums, rattles, bells and the human voice.

Topics include:

* Rhythm & sacred count to impact & balance the body
* Techniques for removing negative energy or
* Add positive energy & healing energy to the body
* The difference between masculine & feminine sounds/vibrations
* How to help someone stay in their body
* How to help someone leave their body