Crystal-Winds Shamanic Teachings

For Daniel Darby’s & Helen Forty’s workshops in Asia see ‘latest news’

This is a shamanic training program created by Daniel Darby & Helen Forty.

Between us we have training in Native American, Hawaiian, Tibetan Bon Po, ancient European and ancient Egyptian shamanism.

We believe that for our contemporary world to become a kinder, wiser, healthier and more enlightened place we need to seek wisdom and inspiration from older indigenous traditions. We believe that in many ways these ancient cultures were more evolved, and more in balance than our modern societies. We are not advocating a return to living in grass huts or cooking on open fires (although both may be enjoyable!). Rather we explore the essence of traditional spiritual and shamanic teachings and interpret them in ways that are meaningful and practical for modern life.

What we are not

We are not indigenous teachers serving a homogenous tribal culture.

What we are

We are inspired by core principles of indigenous teachings from a range of shamanic traditions, and we serve a global community of contemporary wisdom seekers from many different cultural backgrounds.

What type of shamanism do we teach?

Shamanism is not a religion; it is a spiritual practice.

These are the underlying core principles within the traditions we work with:

  • Everything is alive and has consciousness; including our planet.
  • All people, animals, plants and rocks are our relations and what we do to them we do to ourselves.
  • There is a ‘spirit’ world which is real and can be communicated with.
  • The ‘spirit’ world and the physical mundane world are inter-connected and influence each other.
  • Communication with the ‘spirit’ world is achieved through the ability to go into trance and/or different states of consciousness.
  • Balance is important for the health & well-being of all.
  • Take personal responsibility for your own life.
  • Everyone has their own path, and their own truth.
  • The ‘Truth’ changes as you grow; you can choose what is ‘true’ for you.
  • Not all wisdom is taught in one school; be tolerant and open minded.