Shamanic Skills “Ceremony”

Ceremony is one of the most effective ways to bring about positive change. 

Ceremony can be used for healing, manifesting, letting go of the past, spiritual & personal growth, attracting a new relationship, gaining inspiration from the divine and much more.
Many traditional shamanic societies including Native American, Hawaiian, Ancient Egyptian, Celtic and Tibetan Bon Po understood the power of ceremony. In the modern world this has mostly been forgotten. This is an opportunity for you to learn ancient wisdom but adapted for modern life.

Crystal-Winds Ceremony 1 is a certificate course giving you a foundation in ceremony.
There are 3 workshops on this course: Ceremony: Empowering Positive Change, Places of Sacred Power and Cut-away Ceremony: Setting People Free.

Ceremony: Empowering Positive Change

This workshop is for people who want to

– learn how to create ceremonies for positive change
– learn the foundations of ceremony

We teach ceremony as a creative process, no two ceremonies are exactly the same.

Used correctly a ceremony is the equivalent of several hypnotherapy or healing sessions. When someone needs a significant change in their lives then ceremony is often the best way to achieve it.
A ceremonialist needs many skills; you need to be able to work with spiritual energies, lead a group, think on your feet, understand symbology, build and release energy and much more.

Topics include:

  • Overview and history of ceremony
  • Different types of ceremony
  • What is ceremony?
  • Different types of ceremony
  • How and why does it work?
  • When to use ceremony
  • What is a Ceremonialist?
  • Individual and group ceremonies
  • Creating ceremonial space
  • How to prepare yourself and others for ceremony
  • What tools to use
  • How to build the energy in ceremony
  • Using symbology
  • Completion and holding silence

Places of Sacred Power

Have you ever been in nature and felt full of energy and happy without any rational reason? If so you may have been in a place of power.

Places of power are healing in many ways. They are places where it is easier to connect with the divine. Doing ceremony in a place of power adds energy to the ceremony.

Some places of sacred power are easy to recognize such as a temple or a church, some are famous such as Stonehenge, Machu Picchu, Mount Tai Shan or Mount Fuji, others are beautiful but mostly unknown places in nature.

Some places of power support healing, some precipitate change, others help us connect with the spiritual side of life. You can also create a place of sacred power. (Daniel & Helen have one in their garden at home).

Topics include:

  • How to recognize a place of power
  • What to do in a place of power
  • Gathering energy in a place of power
  • How to create a place of power
  • Connecting with Earth & Sky energies
  • Connecting with the 4 directions
  • Doing ceremony in a place of power

Cutaway Ceremony: setting people Free

Cut-away is a healing process typically used by shamanic practitioners. It frees people from restrictive relationships and old negative patterns.

This workshop is for
– people who want to learn how to perform a healing cut-away for others
– people who want to learn how to free themselves

This workshop will teach you how to perform a specific cut-away for someone. A specific cut-away is for removing specific people, old negative habits or trauma from your life.

Shamans have known for 1000’s of years that we form energetic cords that connect us to people and things. Often these cords have a positive purpose, helping to strengthen connections. However, once a relationship no longer serves our highest good, these cords make it hard for us to let go and move on; so the cords need to be cut. A cutaway is a cutting of energetic cords.

This can be a very powerful technique and it’s a very useful skill for a healer to have!

Topics include:

  • Cut-away ceremony
  • Freedom from old negative energy
  • Removing draining relationships
  • Energetic, General & Specific Cut-aways
  • Symbology & communicating with the unconscious mind
  • What tools to use
  • How a cutaway can change lives
  • Experience what a cutaway feels like